[GERMAN] Archiv für Harry Potter Parodien online!
Das Archiv für die deutschen Harry Potter Parodien/Synchronisationen von Coldmirror und Duraphilms ist nun verfügbar!
Das Archiv für die deutschen Harry Potter Parodien/Synchronisationen von Coldmirror und Duraphilms ist nun verfügbar!
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C++ iS fAsTeR tHaN aNy OtHeR lAnGuAgE!
C++ is always claimed to be faster than any other language - especially when compared to managed languages such as C#, F#, or Java.
C++ is always claimed to be faster than any other language - especially when compared to managed languages such as C#, F#, or Java.
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I collect all your fucking data and do whatever the fuck I want with want. I don't give a single fuck. get rekt.